Thursday, July 07, 2011

Half Way Done: Week 1

It feels like there is so much packed in that when I finally sit at the computer, I can remember nothing. Little sparkles of what impressed me stick though. Like: one of my prof's commissioned Tichelli to do Amazing Grace. I was absolutely humbled - this is real band literature! Another hangs out with Michael Daughtry. The funny part is, you'd expect these guys wish such amazing experience and talent to be tyrants - to talk down and snub their noses and tell me I'm doing everything all wrong. They are the nicest guys I've ever met though, and it's making for a very enjoyable week to step outside of my comfort zone, and actually make myself vulnerable and learn something.
I haven't signed up to conduct in front of the class (our options are both Holst suites, Down a Country Lane, Balladeir, Chester, and Salvation is Created. The only one I've ever conducted is Salvation... so I'm waiting to see how others do before I volunteer.
Last night we were invited to go to a family style dinner at this little tiny Italian restaurant. I was sitting next to another professor here, and he turned out to have gone to Yale with the Toners - and it was neat to be so far away from home but still make connections.
I've also realized that I need to keep playing. Now that I've taught a year full time and survived, doing the VT Winds again is a must.

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