Saturday, June 22, 2013

Teeth Grinders Unite

One week down! I think that as long as I keep staying on top of things, I'll be ok. Oh, and buy a planner to write down when all of these crazy due dates are. How was I (the truest Virgo) unprepared like that? I feel like this week already has made me a better teacher and better person, and a more valuable resource to my students. My clarinet teacher is so nice, and I'm actually finding time to practice! I'm very excited that she studied with Hindemith, so now I'm two degrees of separation away from Hindemith. It's ok if you think I'm a dork. We are working on the Hindemith sonata so that I can better adjudicate All-State clarinet players in VT. My roommate and I have also been enjoying Chicago. We found a great Chinese restaurant, and last night found a Mexican restaurant for margaritas. This weekend, an art museum and classical music in Grant Park are in the works. We are also researching going to see the Book of Mormon and trying to get tickets to a taping of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! It's so neat to be surrounded by people who share the same career highs and lows as I do, and understand why I grip the baton so damn hard and grind my teeth at night. I actually thought that would be a neat grad project - so many of my colleagues wear night time mouth guards because we grind at night. Some sort of stress project or anger management project might be just what I need. Anyway. Thanks for reading!

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