Sunday, May 22, 2011

Apparently new teachers in the arts always have a tough transition year... Or so I am told. I've had my share of upset parents, bad days, surprises I never saw coming, and conferences where I let parents tell me how terrible I am the entire time. I have great support from administration, and that's been a lifesaver.
We just finished a few concerts, and I think the parents are starting to warm up to me!
Some are lukewarm, granted.
But one of the big opposers sent an email to me and cc'd the principal, and said some amazing things, including that I'm "the best thing to happen to this music department in a long time".
So I think I'm learning to take it all in stride, and a bad review is not the end of the world. All I can do is keep doing my best. And, the little thank-yous and occasional, "great job" can sustain me for quite a while.

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