Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cilantro Hands and Happy Clarinet Players

A mom made an appointment to see me a few weeks ago to discuss the fact that her daughter is so involved in music, she doesn't have time to practice. Yeah... I had to think twice about that one too. She even spoke to the principal and left two pieces of paper with her ideas and concerns: one as a parent and one as a community member. I personally think the girl is over-committed and needs to have a family discussion about time management... but didn't open that can of worms for fear of rocking the boat even more.
I got a phone call from the mom this morning in the middle of a class and she said that I need to do whatever I was doing more often: her daughter had come home ecstatic about band class. I thanked her for calling me. Then the principal came dancing into my room after that period praising whatever I had done in band class the day before, saying that the kids were happy and so were the parents. Feel good warm fuzzy of the day. I think I should come back to this next time I get a complaint.
Now, wouldn't you like to know what I did that was so amazing?


KTRex said...

Hooray! Go Heather :)

Chris said...

It sounds like you're fast becoming a superstar at Hyde Park! Keep it up and you'll be running the place before you know it!