Sunday, June 12, 2011

Roomie Search

This time last year when I was meeting potential roomies, the following phone conversation sums up my experience:

Phone conversation, after polite introductions:
Me: So, would you like to schedule a time to come over, meet me and view the apt?
Dude: Well, I should be honest and tell you that I'm not looking for myself. I'm looking for my girlfriend. She is trying to move closer to me from out of state.
Me: Oh, it's nice of you to do the searching for her.
Dude: I should also let you know that she just got out of jail...
Me: Uh...
Dude: Oh no, it's not like that. It was just assault because she was drunk. She has her drinking under control now.
Me: Oh... Good for her.
Dude: She has her drinking under control now because she's pregnant.
Me: So... Once she gives birth there would be a baby living with me?
Dude: Yeah
Me: I don't think this is going to work with what I'm looking for in a roommate, but good like finding a place.

Yeah... You can't make that stuff up!
This time around, folks are responsible, have real jobs, are polite, no unusual surprises. We shall see what happens.

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