Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Internet Dating - Making Things Simpler

So I've been on a few dates with Mr. Young. I wasn't exactly looking for anybody younger than me, because I figured they'd not really be at the same spot in life that I am. Or, thought that they'd be lost in terms of a career, ambition, and maturity.
However, Mr. 4 years Younger Than Me has sort of defied all of my expectations. He's smart, witty, ambitious, relaxed, and completely my pace. This comes as an absolute surprise.
I suppose if you give enough guys a chance, one will come along that just... works. So I'm willing to see what happens, and enjoy spending time with him in the meantime.

There's another guy who I'm supposed to go on a second date with tomorrow. I think if it doesn't go that great, I should stop trying. I feel as though you know within the first 5 minutes whether or not there's something there, and I couldn't quite figure it out with him. One more chance, just to make sure.

Then there's Mr. Chef. I think I need to tell him I'm not interested, but I feel absolutely terrible doing so. Guilt about hurting others feelings should not keep me bound to hanging out with them. Especially if I'm not into it.

Oh so complex! I need to stop thinking and just boil it all down to: am I feeling it or not? That's much simpler.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Yay on Mr. Young!

And good job on the "am I feeling it or not" philosophy.