Thursday, September 30, 2010

Horoscope Obsessions

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I was tardy in planting my garden this year — more than two months late. My batch of seedlings didn’t find their way into my patch of dirt until July 2. I humbly apologized to them for my procrastination, then made amends with a tireless campaign to provide them with extraordinary care — organic fertilizer, regular watering, impeccable weeding, steady songs of encouragement. And by September the zucchini were booming, the pumpkins were thriving, the watermelons were unstoppable, and the cucumbers were riffing with abandon. Take inspiration from my example, Virgo. Your plans may have gotten delayed, but don’t let that demoralize you. There’s still time to launch the project or crusade you’ve been dreaming about.

I can't stop with the horoscope craze. I love it, and it's no secret! I think we all could use a little bit of hope, eh?

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